Member Resources


The Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (TABIA) is the umbrella organization of Toronto’s 85 BIAs who in turn represent over 90,000 business and property owners. As the number of BIAs in Toronto continued to grow, it became apparent that a formalized organization was required to provide an ongoing means of collecting and exchanging essential information and, importantly, addressing issues and concerns.

In 1980, a constitution was drawn up and a formal association was established, namely, the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas. TABIA has developed into a well-respected organization, recognized by all levels of government and the commercial sector. TABIA’s involvement goes well beyond the promotion of BIAs.

TABIA’s objectives are:

  • To promote strong, successful and effective BIAs in the City of Toronto.
  • To encourage joint initiatives and collaboration that are mutually beneficial to groups within the BIA on issues and projects, including studies and research in marketing.
  • To encourage and facilitate the exchange of information, experiences and ideas among BIAs through such means as our website, newsletters, seminars, workshops for the benefit of the BIA and their individual members.
  • To assist BIA’s in pooling their resources to achieve the maximum benefit possible.
  • To provide advocacy, to influence policies affecting BIAs, and to obtain support funds and services for BIAs from all levels of government, institutions, agencies and other organizations.
  • To protect the interest of BIAs in government tourism policies and in the implementation of those policies.
Learn More about TABIA

Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the Bayview Leaside BIA Board meetings are available to the public. Please click on the link below and fill out the form to request the date(s) of minutes you would like to receive. If you are a business within our BIA please contact us for your login, you will have access to download the minutes in your dashboard.

Benefits of a BIA

A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is an association of businesses and commercial property owners within a defined area who work in partnership with the City to create thriving, competitive, and safe business areas that attract shoppers, diners, tourists, and new businesses. By working collectively as a BIA, these stakeholders have the organizational and funding capacity to be catalysts for civic improvement, enhancing the quality of life in their local neighbourhood and the City as a whole.

As a legal organization mandated by provincial legislation, BIAs are able to develop a budget for improvements and, through the city’s property tax system, collect a levy in the area to raise the necessary funds.

BIAs improve their local economies through activities such as:

  • Street and sidewalk maintenance and capital improvements
  • Promotion of the BIA as a business, employment, tourist or shopping area (business directories, festivals, advertising)
  • Hosting neighbourhood festivals and events
  • Safety, security and crime prevention initiatives
  • Graffiti and poster removal services respecting building facades visible from the street
  • Strategic plans for business recruitment, market studies and capital improvements
  • Advocate on behalf of their membership as a unified voice


Below are some helpful resources for grants and programs that you may be eligible for. Check back often for updated resources.

Patio Resources

Below are some helpful resources for operating your patio and serving alcohol.